Hero Academy or Hero School is a school that if you graduate from there, you can be an adventurer, a demon hunter, or even a royal knight. Then no longer will have to worry about job problems.
It seems for the possible future careers after graduation, there are Adventurer, Dungeon Seeker, Mercenary, Monster Hunter, Royal Knight and etc.
The students must use badges in their chests, indicating their title of nobility by their color and shape.
- Headmaster
- Vice-Director
- The Chairman of the Board of Directors
- Elna Stongs (Teacher)
1th Grade Students[]
- Noir Stardia
- Emma Brightness
- Maria Fianna Albert
- Amane
- Lenore Bludon
- Allen Milanos
- Hjorth Boyle
- Kent Proix
- Siphon
- Leila Overlock
- Leila Overlock (Formerly)
- Sitrah
2th Grade Students[]
3th Grade Students[]
Entrance Exam[]
The entrance exam is mandatory to commoners, but nobles can skip it.
The final exam is split in to sections, and the combined score determines whatever the applicant pass. The first section is a team battle, in which the teams must collect material from demons until 6 p.m. The applicants may use any metrod they see fit. In next day, the Headmaster announces the results. The second section consists in demonstrate their skills and get scored on their performances.
The score also defines which class each student will attend, being S-Class the elite class, followed by A-Class.
After the exam, the students must pay the tuition before the entrace cerimony. The S-Class Students must pay 300,000 rels, given the additional special curriculum.
School Years[]
The school year at the Hero Academy is split into three trimesters, the first from spring to summer, the second from fall to winter, and the third from winter to spring.
The school years are divided in three years. After this three years, the students graduate from Hero Academy.
Hero Academy conducts tests in a variety of formats. The S-Class' first test is similar to the Entrance Exam. The students must submit monsters materials within one month. However, the required materials have been predetermined by the academy.
There are three types of applicable materials:
- Red Lizardman Tail (3,500 points per tail)
- Unicorn Horn (50,000 points per horn)
- Any Dragon Fang (300,000 points per fang, up to two per student)
Like the entrance exam, there are no restrictions on how the materials are obtained. Teams are permissible, but each member is scored individually and points are evenly split.
The grading scale is as follows:
- 0-4,999 Points: Fail out of S-Class
- 5,000-9,999 Points: Required to attend full days at summer school
- 10,000–99,999 Points: Required to attend half days at summer school
- 100,000+ Points: No summer school required
The top scorer also gets a special prize from the school.
Summer Training Camp[]
During the vacations, the S-Class go on s your to Amora Mountain hot springs, as a training camp.
Class Exchanging[]
While students with poor grades and skills fall into lower rank classes, students with high grades and skills can rise to upper rank classes.
King of School Year[]
Every year the Hero Academy helds a King of School Year competition. There is one winner for each grade, and the winners can choose between three items: the Blasting Hammer, the Collar of Concealment and Moon Drop. The winner can also give orders to the other students for a day.
The battle between all the students is set in the schoolyard and on the rooftop. However, it is prohibited in the school building.
Magical skills with low killing power are allowed there. Weapons are allowed too, but the weapons are wooden swords, bows with arrows those are less likely to get others injured. Other weapon types also use low-killing weapons.
The students must wear the distributed badges on their chests. It is a rule violation to keep them hidden. If it fall on the ground, floor, etc, the student is disqualified. If it is just stolen, it would be safe to take it back. The person who stole it must wear the badge on his chest. The last student that keeps the badge wins.
When the academic year ends, the three Kings from each grade must represent the Hero Academy in a tournament between Hero Academy and Gifted Institute.